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How does chat history management and chat sharing work?

Where do I find my chat history? How can I share a chat transcript? How do I delete a chat?

Where do I find my chat history?

You can find your chat history in the sidebar on the left side of the page when you are logged in to your account. Your chats will be listed from top to bottom in order of most recent. You will see collapsible folders for the previous 7 days, previous 30 days, previous months, and previous years. Select a chat from the sidebar menu to load the transcript in the chat window next to the sidebar menu.

To collapse the sidebar menu, select the sidebar icon to the right of the top of the sidebar menu. Select it again to restore the sidebar menu.

Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 10.14.32 AM

How can I share a chat transcript?

  • Click on the three-dot menu next to a chat in the sidebar menu.
  • Select Share.
  • Click Copy link.

How do I rename a chat?

  • Click on the three-dot menu next to a chat in the sidebar menu.
  • Click Rename.
  • Enter the new chat title in the Enter Chat Title field.
  • Click Update.

How do I delete a chat?

  • Click on the three-dot menu next to a chat in the sidebar menu.
  • Select Delete.
  • Confirm by clicking Yes.