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How do File Uploads work?

Can I upload a file? What file formats are supported? What are the context window limits?

Can I upload a file?

You can upload a file using Genius Assistant, a Custom Assistant, or a specific AI model. Research Assistant and Creative Assistant do not currently support file uploads.

Please note: Currently, only one file upload is supported per query.

What file formats are supported?

The following file formats are supported.

Genius Assistant

Text formats

".as", ".asc", ".asm", ".asmx", ".asp", ".aspx", ".bash", ".bat", ".c", ".cc", ".cfg", ".coffee", ".command", ".conf", ".config", ".cpp", ".cs", ".css", ".csv", ".cu", ".cxx", ".d", ".dart", ".dat", ".db", ".dbf", // ".doc", ".docx", ".eml", ".ent", ".entities", ".entity", ".fnt", ".fon", ".go", ".groovy", ".h", ".hpp", ".htm", ".html", ".ico", ".ini", ".ino", // ".ipynb", ".j", ".jav", ".java", ".js", ".jse", ".jsl", ".json", ".jsx", ".kt", ".kts", ".latex", ".less", ".log", ".lua", ".m", ".markdown", ".md", ".mdb", ".mm", ".mq4", ".mq5", ".mqt", ".msg", ".mxml", ".odt", ".otf", ".pages", ".pdf", ".perl", ".php", ".pl", ".pm", ".properties", ".py", ".pyi", ".r", ".rb", ".rmd", ".rs", ".rtf", ".sav", ".scala", ".sh", ".sql", ".svg", ".swift", ".t", ".tab", // ".tar", ".tex", ".text", ".tif", ".tiff", ".toml", ".ts", ".tsv", ".tsx", ".ttf", ".txt", ".uc", ".virtualenv", ".vb", ".woff", ".woff2", ".wps", ".xhtml", ".xml", ".yaml", ".yml", ".zsh"

Image formats

".jpg", ".png"

Custom Assistants and AI models

Text formats

".as", ".asc", ".asm", ".asmx", ".asp", ".aspx", ".bash", ".bat", ".c", ".cc", ".cfg", ".coffee", ".command", ".conf", ".config", ".cpp", ".cs", ".css", ".csv", ".cu", ".cxx", ".d", ".dart", ".dat", ".db", ".dbf", // ".doc", ".docx", ".eml", ".ent", ".entities", ".entity", ".fnt", ".fon", ".go", ".groovy", ".h", ".hpp", ".htm", ".html", ".ico", ".ini", ".ino", // ".ipynb", ".j", ".jav", ".java", ".js", ".jse", ".jsl", ".json", ".jsx", ".kt", ".kts", ".latex", ".less", ".log", ".lua", ".m", ".markdown", ".md", ".mdb", ".mm", ".mq4", ".mq5", ".mqt", ".msg", ".mxml", ".odt", ".otf", ".pages", ".pdf", ".perl", ".php", ".pl", ".pm", ".properties", ".py", ".pyi", ".r", ".rb", ".rmd", ".rs", ".rtf", ".sav", ".scala", ".sh", ".sql", ".svg", ".swift", ".t", ".tab", // ".tar", ".tex", ".text", ".tif", ".tiff", ".toml", ".ts", ".tsv", ".tsx", ".ttf", ".txt", ".uc", ".virtualenv", ".vb", ".woff", ".woff2", ".wps", ".xhtml", ".xml", ".yaml", ".yml", ".zsh"

What are the context window limits?

We guarantee support for the context window length up to 64k tokens for models with long context. Some custom models may support even larger context window lengths, though results may vary.

How does Genius Assistant differ from other Assistants and AI models for file uploads?

Genius Assistant

Genius Assistant can use a multi-step chain thought process including advanced tools and capabilities to answer more complicated questions. Unlike other Assistants and models, Genius Assistant can analyze data, identify trends, and create graphs to illustrate its findings.

Custom Assistants and AI models

Custom Assistants and AI models allow you to select a specific model to create a summary of the uploaded file and compare and contrast responses from the available models. With Custom Assistants you can also provide additional instructions for your Assistant when uploading files.